Joe Biden and Paul Ryan slip, plus Donald Trump on Iran: The dumbest political quotes of the week – Yahoo! News

Joe Biden and Paul Ryan slip, plus Donald Trump on Iran: The dumbest political quotes of the week – Yahoo! News.

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Bottoms up!

I’m not a big baseball fan but I do love going to the ballpark and enjoying a cold beer and a hot dog on a warm summer evening. Now Huntington Park has a new way of pouring beer—from the bottom up.

Who would believe there was a need to invent a new way of pouring beer? And who would ever think of filling a glass from a hole in the bottom? Apparently Josh Springer of Indianapolis did. A plastic cup sits over a spout and fills from the bottom up and seals itself when it is taken off the spout with a magnet that slips into place over the hole. This new device called Bottoms Up is touted as saving the servers time by freeing them up to do other things while waiting for the cup to fill. It can fill a gallon container in 30 seconds as opposed to 90 seconds compared to the old fashioned way.

Bottoms Up drawbacks

Bottoms Up has a couple of drawbacks as I see it. First, it does not produce a foamy head which I like. Beer aficionados say a perfect glass of beer should have very little foam but I like burying my mouth and nose into a cold foaming glass of beer.

The second drawback is one that only I would see. I am somewhat of a germophobe in public places and as I watched the demo video I noticed that the server must place the cup over the spout and push the cup down by placing her hand over the top of the glass—right where my lips will be placed. To remove the cup from the appliance she must once again take hold of the top of the cup and pull it off the spout. No clean place for my lips to sip the golden brew of the gods.

Where have those hands been?

Do you know where those hands have been? How many other hands have they touched in serving the cups? How long has it been since they were washed? What else have they touched? Have they handled money? I don’t even want to think where that money has been! Were those hands used to pick a nose (or other things) when no one was looking? Did they wipe off a drop of sweat or run their hands through their hair?

Sorry if I have ruined your day but I come by this thinking honestly. My mother instilled in us at a very early age to wash our hands often. Long before sanitizing gel was popular she would pack a damp and soapy wash cloth wrapped in a plastic bag in her purse or car when we left the house. We never ate or touched food without first washing our hands.

This philosophy must have worked because other than the usual childhood diseases of mumps, measles, chickenpox, etc. we were seldom sick. We didn’t have the frequent colds and flues that others often had.

I want my beer on tap

The next time I go to see the Clippers play at Huntington Park I will have my beer the old fashioned way from a tap rather than this new-fangled device. Some things you just can’t improve on. Anyone want some Purell?


NOTE–to view the video of the Bottoms Up beer machine please click on the link below.






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The Gods of Football–Part II

My recent post ,Where do Penn State and the NCAA go from here?,stirred up a lot of controversy. My concern over this whole debacle, besides the obvious of molested children, is the fact that it continued because of the elevated stature of football on campus. Penn State is not the only university to hold the coaches and team in such high regard but is the most recent in the news. The Freeh Report stated the culture of reverence for the football program that is ingrained at all levels of the campus community is one of many contributing factors as to why Sandusky was allowed to continue his actions for so long.

When this story broke last year I saw similarities with all big time football schools and Penn State is not the only one to hold its football program in a culture of reverence. The same attitude of hero worship is what led to Ohio State’s downfall. These thoughts led me to write The Gods of Football.

Below are excerpts from The Gods of Football, posted Nov. 22, 2011, in which I analyze this very problem. As I re-read this piece it seems I was almost psychic in my predictions and analysis.

NOTE—the references to Ohio State, its coaches and players refer to what is known as Tattoo-Gate in which players exchanged autographs on school equipment in return for tattoos. This ultimately led to the firing of Coach Jim Tressell, benching of players for many games for their involvement, and strong penalties for the school including loss of all games played in the 2010-2011 season, and banishment from bowl games for the 2012-13 season plus other punishments. Temple Shoe refers to the nickname of the Ohio State Stadium commonly known as the horseshoe because of its unique shape.

 The gods of football

….The lives of the eight young boys have been forever changed, their youth robbed of its innocence, and self-esteem and trust forever damaged (due to Jerry Sandusky). All of this happened at the sports altar in the temple of football. They were used as sacrificial offerings to appease the gods of greed and excess in the name of football. A large and prestigious university (Penn State) may come tumbling down because no one wanted to stand up to the great god of sports and his high priest, Joe Paterno. No one wanted to risk the wrath of the gods and alumni by going to authorities with the ugly truth. Those in charge of the temple—the administrators, coaches, police—all kept their silence.

Exposing the truth would have meant a possible loss of revenue and a black eye for the athletic department. By allowing the cover-up to continue for so long the black eye appears minor compared to the festering ugly wound eating away at the face of the university. And make no mistake, it was a cover-up….

It took the courage of one heroic mother to finally stand up to all the followers of the almighty sports gods and say nothing was as important as her son.

The worship of sports goes all the way back to the ancient Greeks. They believed that their gods loved to see strong, fit and graceful young male bodies. Therefore, one way to gain favor from the gods was to exercise, eat right, and excel in athletic games. They even felt that a loss meant that the gods didn’t like you.  Athletic competition was tied to worship of the gods.

Even the word “stadium” has religious significance. It comes from the Greek word “stadion” which was the name of the place built to honor Zeus and was where athletic competitions were held. The legend says that when Heracles completed his twelve labors he built the Olympic stadium as an honor to Zeus. Following its completion, he walked in a straight line for 200 steps and called this distance a “stadion” which was later used as a unit of distance. The term “stadion” or “stade” was later applied to mean a short race or sprint measuring between 180 and 240 meters, or the length of the stadium.

Things haven’t changed much in today’s world. One of the most notable and profitable athletic companies is named after the goddess of strength, speed, and victory—Nike. Not to be outdone, Adida is marketing an athletic shoe that sweeps into wings at the ankle channeling the mythology of the ancient Greeks and Romans in which Hermes and Mercury were said to have wings on their feet.

Outstanding athletes are still viewed as gods in a sort of hero worship. Ohio State will never forget but long suffer the name of Terrell Pryor. He was the beautiful muscular specimen of a quarterback god who was supposed to bring glory to the Temple Shoe. What he brought was greed and shame to the Shoe and its followers. He had risen so high on his pedestal that worshipers paid mucho money for the privilege of his autograph on temple equipment such as shoes, shoulder pads, etc.

Over the past several years the gods (coaches, star athletes, and entire teams) have felt protected behind the veil of worship and have been so empowered that they tempted the fates. However, purgatory and hell will eventually catch up and the golden touch of Midas will turn to rust. Terrell Pryor, high priest Coach Tressel, and other lesser gods were banned from the Temple Shoe—some forever and others for a prescribed period of time to do their penance. The same will happen to the worshipped and their flock in Happy Valley….


Let the games begin again and continue forever—in a clean and honorable way worthy of the one true God. Let us never forget that no one person is bigger than the game, institution, or the temple of football itself. Even though we worship them as gods, they are mere mortals with all the human fragilities that come with it. Let us put the game in perspective and honor the competition, not the personalities involved. Honor the sport and do the right thing on the field and off—no matter the cost. God bless the victims and their families and let us pray no other innocent victims will be sacrificed at the altar of sports.


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The Second Child

Below is a reblog of a post titled The Second Child by Rick Lakin posted by permission of the author. There has been a lot in the news lately about the Jerry Sandusky trial and the Freeh Report, which was an attempt by Penn State to understand how this tragedy happened, but The Second Child puts a more human emphasis on the events. After the first child was abused, how and why was the second child endangered?


The Second Child

Published July 13, 2012 | By Rick Lakin


On December 6, 2011, I posted this response to this story by Pat Lalama . It appears that my ideas then were a bit prescient.



I enjoyed your Penn State article. I believe that Jerry Sandusky is toast. At the end of all of this, Sandusky will spend the bulk of his remaining life behind bars. I believe, though, that the real tragedy is the first part of that statement. Jerry Sandusky’s conviction will most probably be the end of this tragedy. After that, on the one hand, you will have a group of men who will live out their lives as wealthy men and on the other, the sons and daughters who will suffer at the hands of those who were hurt by Sandusky as the chain of abuse continues untreated and unbroken.

The real story here is one that will be unreported and yet is an all too common one. This is a case where you find an abuser at the center of a closely knit, financially lucrative, organization that can be characterized as an old-fashioned good old boys club. The question that needs to be answered in order that it will never happen again is not why did Jerry Sandusky abuse 8 or 10 or 20 or hundreds of kids? The real question is how Sandusky was allowed to abuse a second child after it became known that he had abused a first child.

Jerry Sandusky is singularly guilty of abusing every child up to a point but after the first time it was even whispered among the members of the community that some abuse had occurred, the members of the Penn State and Second Mile organizations share the responsibility, liability, and guilt for every instance of abuse that followed.

Natural disasters can seldom be prevented and happen instantaneously. Human tragedies such as Penn State that happen over a long period can and should be prevented. It takes courage, resolve of even the most inconsequential person at the low end of the totem pole and an institutional attitude that everyone is responsible for doing the right thing, that protecting the clients is above protecting the institution and that everyone will listen when anyone steps up and points out the Emperor’s lack of clothing.

The upcoming Jerry Sandusky trial will draw massive ratings, it will cause serious huffing and puffing about the evils of old white men who abuse little children and it will salve the indignant righteousness of the vicious pundits. It will do absolutely nothing to protect a youngster in the future who is put in the hands of another fine, upstanding member of an organization, similar to Second Mile who sacrifices his time and money to provide opportunities to those less fortunate but who is also a serial child abuser.

Unfortunately, then, the 24 hour, scandal-hungry, fact-starved, yellow-tinted media machine will solve the case of the many children in the Penn State scandal but leave unreported and uncorrected the story of the second child.


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Job-hunting hint: Don’t have drugs in car when you talk to Highway Patrol about employment

In this tough job market and economy people everywhere are looking for jobs but if you plan on applying for a police job be sure you don’t have drugs in your car. Hooray for the police K-9 for finding it.

Job-hunting hint: Don’t have drugs in car when you talk to Highway Patrol about employment.

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Where do Penn State and the NCAA go from here?


We haven’t heard the end of the story about Jerry Sandusky and Penn State Football, the worst scandal to ever hit sports. The fallout will continue for years to come and the only redeeming factor will be if we as a society learn from this fiasco.

The Freeh Report came out last week which strongly condemned Paterno and other top officials in the school’s administration for concealing Sandusky’s sexual abuse of children in order to avoid bad publicity for the university and the football program.  The Paterno family issued a statement vehemently disagreeing with the report and saying, “Mr. Freeh presented his opinions and interpretations as if they were absolute facts.” The Paterno family contends that the report is merely the opinions of one person. They say that they and their lawyers will conduct their own investigation of the scandal.

The Freeh Report

The Freeh Report is hardly the opinion of just one person. It was spearheaded by former FBI Director Louis Freeh in which he and the Special Investigative Counsel conducted over 430 interviews and analyzed over 3.5 million pieces of electronic data and documents. Sports fans, university officials and others may try to put their own spin on the report but nothing can erase the shocking findings stated in the very beginning of the report:

“The most saddening finding by the Special Investigative Counsel is the total and consistent disregard by the most senior leaders at Penn State for the safety and welfare of Sandusky’s child victims….there was no ‘attempt to investigate, to identify Victim 2, or to protect that child or any others from similar conduct except as related to preventing its re-occurrence on University property.’”

 The report goes on to name those most senior leaders as four of the most powerful people at The Pennsylvania State University—President Graham B. Spanier, Senior Vice President-Finance and Business Gary C. Schultz, Athletic Director Timothy M. Curley, and Head Football Coach Joseph V. Paterno. The report condemns them by saying they failed to protect against a child sexual predator harming children for over a decade.

What happened in plain English

Let’s not gloss over this statement. In everyday language a member of the university’s faculty was raping young boys on university grounds and at university events and the four in-the-know had known about it since at least 1998 when the first incident was reported to them. As you read through the Freeh Report the one recurring theme with the university officials was how were they going to handle this “humanely” for Sandusky? The university police even interviewed him in the Lasch Building so as not to put him “on the defensive.” In other words, they didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable or intimidated. Did anyone ever think about how the young victims were feeling?

After the ’98 incident Sandusky raped at least two more victims before being caught by student assistant McQueary while raping a third boy in the showers February 2001. How many others might there have been between those times that we don’t know about? Do those “top officials” named in the report understand they could have prevented additional attacks and preserved the innocence of other young boys?

A year after the ’98 incident Sandusky was allowed to retire “not as a child molester but as a valued member of the Penn State football legacy”. According to the Freeh Report this visibility at Penn State allowed him to “groom his victims”. The report says, “school leaders empowered Sandusky to attract potential victims to the campus and football events by allowing him to have continued, unrestricted and unsupervised access to campus and to affiliate with the football program. These actions provided Sandusky with the very currency that enabled him to attract his victims.”

NCAA response—nothing off the table

Throughout this whole event the NCAA has been strangely quiet. The airwaves have been full of people speculating whether or not the NCAA will levy any punishments including the dreaded “death penalty”. Finally Tavis Smiley invited Mark Emmert, president of the NCAA, to his PBS show to ask where they stand. Emmert’s answer was very revealing when he said “nothing is off the table.” That means they could be eligible for the death penalty or even worse—banishment from the NCAA. (See A Fate Worse Than Death . This means that Penn State would lose all rights and privileges of being a member of the NCAA which effectively means an indefinite death penalty for the entire athletic department.

Southern Methodist University (SMU) is the only school to have suffered the death penalty for its football program and some say it took 20 years for them to come back.

 Following the Freeh Report NCAA Vice President of Communications Bob Williams issued a statement referring to four key questions outlined in a Nov. 17, 2011 letter to Penn State that still need to be answered pertaining to “compliance with institutional control and ethics policies.”

NCAA letter to Penn State Nov. 17, 2011

I have heard some armchair experts on sports-talk radio say the NCAA won’t do anything because it is out of the realm of their jurisdiction. However, Mark Emmert stated in his Nov. 17, 2011 letter to Penn State President Rodney Erickson:

“Under Article 2.4, the NCAA Constitution requires that “for intercollegiate athletics to promote the character development of participants, to enhance the integrity of higher education and to promote civility in society, student-athletes, coaches, and all others associated with these athletics programs and events should adhere to such fundamental values as respect, fairness, civility, honesty, and responsibility. These values should be manifest not only in athletics participation, but also in the broad spectrum of activities affecting the athletics program.

…it is clear that deceitful and dishonest behavior can be found to be unethical conduct. Surely, the spirit of this bylaw also constrains behavior that endangers young people…Bylaw goes on to state that “it shall be the responsibility of an institution’s head coach to promote an atmosphere for compliance within the program….Under this same bylaw governing the conduct and employment of athletics personnel, it makes clear that “institutional staff members found in violation of NCAA regulations shall be subject to disciplinary or corrective action….

Lastly,…Bylaw 19.01.2 affirmatively states that ‘individuals employed by or associated with member institutions for the administration, the conduct or the coaching of intercollegiate athletics are, in the final analysis, teachers of young people…their own moral values must be so certain and positive that those younger and more pliable will be influenced by a fine example.’”

 The death penalty

In my opinion what happened at Penn State is the ultimate tragedy. It is much worse than Ohio State’s Tattoo-gate or any other scandal in which the NCAA has levied punishment. If they do not give Penn State the death penalty or an equivalent punishment then they will have lost their credibility and there is no hope for maintaining high moral grounds for college athletics in the future. Worse, the NCAA will be just as guilty as Penn State officials in turning a blind eye on the event.

What happened is not OK

Then we as a society and sports fans everywhere will not have learned from this horrible event. It is not OK to put coaches and outstanding athletes on pedestals and worship them as gods. It is not OK to allow athletics to become so powerful as to run the university. It is not OK to allow a crime to be overlooked because of the money its department is bringing into the institution. It is not OK for athletics to take precedence over academics. And finally, it is not OK to rape.

 NOTE–below are links to the research I did for this blog post. To read the Freeh Report click on the first link and to see the NCAA letter to Penn State click on the second link. (Freeh report) (NCAA letter to Penn State)

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Helen Reddy and the cabbie from hell

I am happy to see that Helen Reddy, who popularized the anthem for the women’s movement in the 70’s, is coming out of retirement to resume her singing career.

I had an interesting encounter with Ms. Reddy, a long-time idol of mine, in 1996. My husband and I headed a community concert series in the 90’s and we chose Helen Reddy as our very first act to introduce our series to the community. We wanted someone with a big name and reputation to let the community know we were a legitimate group. We got more than we bargained for when we booked Ms. Reddy. She had a big name and a big reputation, at least among entertainment producers. She had a reputation for being a diva and difficult to please.

Preparing for opening night

We began months in advance making all the preparations for opening night. We plastered the town with posters; we rented a Lincoln Town Car for the weekend to chauffeur Ms. Reddy; we had a large welcome basket in her room with snacks and an assortment of teas since she would be arriving late; and the stage was decorated with plants, twinkling lights, and borrowed props making it look like something to rival Vegas.

A welcoming committee, which consisted of my husband, myself, and Frank the driver (who was a member of the concert series board), met her at the airport. Before arriving at the airport we nervously reviewed the plans. (We desperately wanted to make a good impression and hoped we didn’t look like the neophytes which we were.) After greeting her we would then escort her to the baggage claim area and wait for Frank to bring the car around. All he had to do was meet us at the exit nearest the claims area. It isn’t hard to miss because everyone gathers there to catch their rides or a shuttle bus. This sounds simple enough, but beware of simple plans. Ms. Reddy traveled with a single carry-on bag and did not need to go the claims area. This added a few extra minutes to our wait time so we took advantage of the time to get to know each other.

Beware of simple plans

We waited and waited (and waited and waited) but Frank never showed up. When more than enough time had passed John said he would go out to the curb to look for Frank leaving me to entertain Ms. Reddy alone. What do you say to a recording star, movie star, and multiple-award winner? After we had exhausted the small talk I notice her expertly manicured nails are impatiently tapping the handle of her suitcase. Meanwhile, John is avoiding the gathering storm clouds by waiting on the curb looking for Frank. I go out and tell him that she is nearly at the end of her patience and we need to do something—quick!

We decide to hail a cab for Ms. Reddy and John will look for Frank and meet us at the hotel. I tell her the good news/bad news that we have given up on Frank and will take a taxi. We crawl into a cab with a driver who barely speaks English and tell him we want the hotel that is nearest the airport. At this he shouts something, jumps out of the cab, and runs down the middle of the street waving his hands in the air.

The cab driver from hell

Ms. Reddy and I look at each other and she says, “Is he coming back?” I see the scene developing out the back window and have a sinking feeling. “I don’t think so,” I reply. Now what do I do? I have a travel weary diva on one hand and a crazed cab driver on the other. At that moment I see a security officer and run to tell him what has happened. He looks at the driver running down the middle of the traffic flow and says he’ll be back.

The cab driver finally returns mumbling unintelligent sentences. He gives us a lecture all the way to the hotel telling us we should have taken the airport shuttle bus. I tell him, in no uncertain terms, we didn’t want the shuttle but he totally ignores me. This episode has taken quite a bit of time and I expect to see John pacing the lobby of the hotel when we arrive but instead they pull into the parking lot just ahead of us.

While I was dealing with the crabby cabbie, John searched the parking garage for Frank the chauffeur. John found him standing beside the parked car with the trunk lid open waiting for Ms. Reddy to haul her luggage to the car. John was surprised to see us arriving at the hotel so late and asked what happened. “You won’t believe it,” I said. “We had the cab driver from hell.”

You learn from experience

Everything seemed to be working against us that night. Both drivers must have gotten into the same batch of spiked juicy-juice which made them a little crazy.  Our patience were tested but Ms. Reddy saw we were trying hard to keep her happy and make a good impression. She couldn’t have been nicer. She gave us a splendid performance the next night and the audience responded with a standing ovation.

 After this difficult beginning all other shows were easy. As they say, “you learn from experience”.



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John Philip Sousa and The Stars and Stripes Forever

Perhaps nothing expresses patriotism more than a parade—an Independence Day parade to be more specific. Old Glory and its honor guard lead the parade with the stars and stripes fluttering in the breeze. Following the flag is a band most likely playing The Stars and Stripes Forever.

The Stars and Stripes Forever is not only one of the most recognizable marches of all time but is the official march of the United States and one of the most popular marches by John Philip Sousa. I challenge anyone to listen to it and not feel a lump in the throat, a tear in the eye, or goose bumps on the arms. As popular as this tune is, it is only one of over 300 musical works composed by Sousa and only a third of those works were marches. It was composed during a voyage home after a tour of Europe and was reported in his obituary as one of his favorites. It was also the last piece he conducted the day before his death.

Other popular pieces composed by Sousa include Semper Fidelis (the Marine Corps march), The High School Cadets, King Cotton, El Capitan, Liberty Bell, Manhattan Beach, The Thunderer , Washington Post and many others.

Sousa was a man of many talents and was very prolific. In addition to his famous marches he also composed operettas; ten operas; a number of suites; The Last Crusade for orchestra, choir and organ, considered his major work; wrote three novels; a full-length autobiography; and was an avid trapshooter. He is known as the father of organized trapshooting in America.

A timeline of Sousa’s Life

John Philip Sousa was born in Washington, D.C. Nov. 6, 1854, the third of 10 children. He is a true product of the American melting pot, a child of immigrant parents. His father was born in Spain of Portuguese parents and his mother was born in Bavaria.

He began his musical studies at the age of 6 studying voice, violin, piano, flute, cornet, baritone, trombone and alto horn. It is said he had perfect pitch. When he was 13 his father enlisted him in the Marines as a musical apprentice to keep him from running away to join a circus band. (His father played trombone in the U.S. Marine band at the time.) In 1875 he was discharged from the Marines and began performing the violin with a touring company. He eventually took over as a conductor and conducted Gilbert and Sullivan’s H.M.S. Pinafore on Broadway.

In 1880 he returned to Washington to be the leader of the U.S. Marine Band. He conducted The President’s own band serving under presidents Hayes, Garfield, Cleveland, Arthur and Harrison. In 1892 he resigned from the Marine band and formed the Sousa Band. In 1900 Sousa’s Band represented the United States as the official band to the Paris Exposition.

Between 1900 and 1905 The Sousa Band made three successful European tours. In 1910 the band took a World Tour which included New York, Great Britain, Canary Islands, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji Islands, Hawaii, and Canada. In 1917, during World War I, Sousa joined the U.S. Naval Reserve at age 62. He was a lieutenant and was paid a salary of $1 per month.

After the war, between 1919 and 1932 Sousa continued to tour with his band. He championed the cause of music education, received several honorary degrees and fought for composers’ rights, testifying before Congress in 1927 and 1928.

Souse died March 6, 1932 in Reading, Pa. at the age of 77. According to his obituary he died of “an attack of heart disease.” He was in Reading to conduct the local Ringgold Band in its 80th anniversary concert as its guest conductor.

John Philip Sousa’s obituary

Also included in his obituary, as reported by the New York Times in an attempt to explain his musical career and patriotic enthusiasm, it said:

Mr. Sousa was born in Washington in 1854. The fact that his father was a musician and a member of the Marine Band which his son was later to lead, combined with the marital spirit of Civil War days of his youth in Washington, served to give his talent the bent which made him the “march king” to all the world for a quarter of a century.

Regarding Sousa’s service record the New York Times reported:

One thing on which Mr. Sousa prided himself was his service record, it being his boast that he had seen service with the army, the navy and the Marine Corps. The latter was represented by his service at the head of the White House Band. During the Spanish- American War he served as musical director for the Sixth Army Corps. In the World War he organized bands at the Naval Training Station at Great Lakes, Ill.

Sousa’s worldwide influence

Sousa’s influence even reached Broadway thirty years after his death. Meredith Wilson’s hit musical The Music Man had its roots in Wilson’s years playing flute and piccolo in Sousa’s band. Wilson’s band experience and small town Iowa roots inspired him to write the Broadway and motion picture hit The Music Man starring Robert Preston and Shirley Jones.

John Philip Sousa was the beloved March King of the U.S. and performed before over a million people. His influence was felt by many around the world and he was, perhaps, the best ambassador for America and its ideals during the early years of the twentieth century. During this Independence Day celebration you will hear several of Sousa’s compositions and I bet you, you can’t listen to them without tapping your toes and feeling an emotional stir in your soul. Hurrah for the flag of the free!  

 For an interesting read and to learn more about Sousa’s life click on the link below for The New York Times obituary from 1932.



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American IQ: Questions from U.S. citizenship test challenge your patriotic acumen | The Columbus Dispatch

Could you pass the U.S. citizenship test? Here are a few questions from Joe Blundo’s column testing your American IQ. Click on the link below


American IQ: Questions from U.S. citizenship test challenge your patriotic acumen | The Columbus Dispatch.

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Don’t say there’s nothing to do


Last weekend we decided to take advantage of the nice weather and affordable entertainment and traveled to German Village to see the Actor’s Theatre presentation of Robin Hood at Schiller Park.

We packed a cooler and headed downtown. Knowing that the Freeway is under construction (when isn’t it?), we decided to take the Neil Ave. exit off of I-670. As soon as we had committed ourselves to that exit we knew we had made a mistake. We forgot that the hugely popular Com Fest was in full swing. Once we fought our way through that mess we found ourselves in another traffic jam. It seems the Clippers were playing that night. We patiently worked our way through the sports enthusiasts when we found ourselves, once again, in another line of cars snaking its way to the Picnic with the Pops.

We finally reached our destination at Schiller Park only to find another huge crowd gathering on the knoll of the amphitheatre. Fortunately, there is always room for one more at an outdoor event with lawn seating.

Mayor Coleman should be proud. He has worked for years to bring more activities and people to downtown Columbus. He has suffered some criticism for spending money on various buildings, parks, and improvements; but all the work has not been in vain. The beautiful new Columbus Commons, now the permanent home of Picnic with the Pops, looked to be almost to capacity with approximately 8,000 attending that night.

 Huntington Park, the new home of the Columbus Clippers, farm team for the Cleveland Indians, has won several awards. I’m not sure if it was a sell-out last Saturday night but my observation was that the event was well attended.

We weren’t able to drive past the new Scioto Riverfront Park but I’m sure there must have been many people strolling past the park and enjoying the beautiful gardens, fountains, swings and benches.

No matter your taste or background there was something for everyone that night. For the hippies, original hippies, and wanna’be hippies there was the Com Fest with all the rock music, tie dye T-shirts and miscellaneous stuff associated with that era you could absorb. Sports fans had the Clippers and for more sophisticated tastes there was Picnic with the Pops and Actor’s Theatre. A concert was happening at Promo West, CAPA’s summer movie series at the Ohio Theatre was presenting Hello Dolly, and many other people were enjoying a leisurely dinner at the various restaurants and on their patios.

This coming weekend there will be more of the same. Many venues will be finding various ways to celebrate the Fourth of July beginning with the traditional Red, White, and Boom celebration along the riverfront on July 3. The rejuvenated Ohio Village is planning an old-fashioned Independence Day celebration, CAPA’s summer movie series will have James Cagney’s Yankee Doodle Dandy and Picnic with the Pops will feature patriotic tunes including The Stars and Stripes Forever and The Battle Hymn of the Republic.

In addition to the downtown activities each local community usually has its own parade and fireworks so check local papers for the times. If you are looking for something out of the ordinary, there is the Doo Dah Parade in the Short North the afternoon of the fourth.

Columbus is a happening place, whether downtown or in your own community. There is entertainment for every taste and budget whether it is running through the fountains at Easton or the splash park at the Scioto Mile, downing brats and beer at a ball park, or dinner and theatre at many of our excellent restaurants and venues. If you live in the Columbus area never say, “There’s nothing to do.”


NOTE—for a detailed schedule of events see Upcoming Events at


English: Man riding a monowheel in the 2011 Do...

English: Man riding a monowheel in the 2011 Doo Dah Parade, Columbus, Ohio. Parade route viewed on W. 2nd Ave. in The Short North. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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